April 21st, 2010
We’ve been in this rural area for nearly five years, but up to this point, we’ve only had dogs and wildlife wandering around. Yesterday, we took one step closer to farm life when our five baby chicks arrived. We’re all a bit surprised by how captivating they are. Like a zen garden, you really could watch them for hours and feel your blood pressure stabilize.
Between the new chicks, the tadpoles we’re raising, the seedlings that are peeking their heads out of the soil, and the blossoms on the apple trees, it’s impossible to deny: spring has sprung.
Some interesting tidbits about chicks:
1. Much like human babies, they move in a continual cycle that is something like this: eat, sleep, poop, and peep. They seem to do each of these things for about 4.6 seconds at a time.
2. If you look closely at the second photo, the white dot on the chick’s beak is its “egg tooth” which helps it break through the egg shell when it hatches. As of this morning, most of them had already fallen off.
3. Baby chicks seem to have a bit of narcolepsy. They’ll be doing something, and then all of a sudden they sink to the ground and fall sound asleep. Apparently, this is quite normal, and is extremely entertaining to watch.
April 21st, 2010 4:20 pm
Eeep, adorable! Coincidentally, the missus has been studying up on raising chicks in our backyard:
April 21st, 2010 5:29 pm
Of course, we’re only on our second day of chicks, but we love it so far! My only complaint is all the time I’m losing because I can’t stop watching them. I’m currently referring to it as the tractor beam of cute. I keep getting sucked back in…
Chris Glass » Chicks, man
April 21st, 2010 10:07 pm
[…] update this post with a link to our studio blog which will have all the details, like: What is an egg tooth? Tagged: awww, babies, chicks, cute, […]
April 27th, 2010 6:37 pm
Yay! I hope you enjoy your chickens for many years to come. 🙂 We got three chickens of our own last spring, and now they are all grown up – laying eggs and running wild in the backyard. They get easier to take care of as they grow older, though they poop a lot more. You will be amazed by how much poop they can produce in one day. 😉
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