February 19th, 2010
Screen printing on paper
For a while I’ve been eager to transfer my screen printing know-how from shirts to posters. The internet was being fickle and my self-diagnosed ADD was kicking in, so I decided to cull together a print station and do some tests.
We had an old IKEA table top sitting around. I found the clamps I bought three years ago and mounted them to it. Next I burned a screen with our mission statement (which will be a future entry) and another screen with a pattern I found online. Being that this was going to be an experiment, I didn’t worry too much about registration issues. I simply taped a right angle to the print station.
After digging through a storage closet I found the gigantic sheets of paper I had leftover from my own wedding invite from nine years ago (yes, I do hoard art supplies).
With a bit of Speedball water-based ink and a squeegee it was show time. The biggest difference between the water based inks and the plastisols that we commonly use is the speed at which water-based ink dries… which happens to be very quickly.
Experimenting with poster making.
After an hour of playing around we ended up with a stack of prints. Overall (despite the color options) I’d say this little experiment is going to open up some doors for future efforts. This experiment also left me asking a couple questions: What are good water based inks for printing posters? What is a good paper choice for screen printing? Drop me a line if you have any suggestions! Have a great weekend.
February 20th, 2010 10:31 am
I’m excited about this!
February 21st, 2010 7:28 pm
I think French is the go to paper for posters. They have a great selection, good prices and are based in the midwest. Hard to go wrong with French.
Plus, they have this really cool site with examples of work printed on their paper.
February 22nd, 2010 5:07 am
With what modest experience I have with this printing method, I’ve always understood Arches 88 was a fine paper manufactured in particular for screenprinting. Its price point may be prohibitive. Good old chipboard seems to work well for anything and everything.
February 23rd, 2010 11:42 am
I always have used lennox 100 which I term “lennox lewis” as it take pretty massive amounts of ink well without rippling. It can curl but a couple days under some weight takes care of that.
One thing that helps keep the paper stay put is some repositionable adhesive on the screen print table. This keeps the paper from sticking to the wet screen and shifting around too much. You can clean the adhesive off with household cleaner.
February 25th, 2010 10:22 am
try plike(it has a rubbery feel to it) and is fun to work with. like jacob recommended lennox 100
February 25th, 2010 10:23 am
i always do test runs on news bond paper for registration especially.
Chris Glass » ink on paper
March 4th, 2010 11:47 pm
[…] been experimenting with printing on paper at the studio. Tagged: print, red, screenprint, studio Comments Off « Where I turned around / album / […]
March 6th, 2010 8:04 am
I second the French Paper suggestion.
October 6th, 2011 7:10 am
I have a little project in mind that I would like to share with others. Is it possible to roll and mail screen printed posters? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
January 22nd, 2013 7:59 pm
what’s name for a ink you used, i need white color but i just have to do tshirts not to print on paper
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