March 16th, 2012
The 10 dollar challenge
Another Friday and another challenge between Tom and myself. We’re carving out a little time at the end of each week and do something fun. There’s no goal or business scheme.
This week we decided to spend 10 bucks each at a dollar store and make something in a few hours.
I won’t call it art, but we each did spend a large hunk of our budget on frames to make our pieces look fanciful.
At the end of the day, I can’t say I loved my pink bubba looking at money mountain range, I personally benefit from parameters and purpose on a project. Oh, and the glass broke on my frame to boot. Maybe it’s allegory.
Tom was a bit frustrated that his puzzle was 500 pieces instead of 50.
Tom’s goods
Tom detail
Chris’ goods
Chris detail
March 29th, 2012 2:58 pm
OMGoodness, you two just made my day!
May 10th, 2012 9:47 pm
So when do we see these master pieces on the store?
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