November 26th, 2009
Triple thanks
We consider ourselves a pretty fortunate group. We get to work with good people, and, for the most part (except for that pesky paperwork) we love what we do.
Since it’s Thanksgiving here in the States, we thought we’d think about a few things we’re thankful for. (We’re all thankful for friends and family, so we’re going to assume those are a given.)
Chris is thankful for cameras, the Internet and parades.
Tom is thankful for vinyl, the first signs of spring, and his not-so-secret Jumbalaya recipe. (Which he intends to share on here!)
Wendy is thankful for the chance to live on a farm, urban shopping making its way to the Midwest, and the espresso machine.
Happy Thanksgiving! (Or Happy Thursday for those of you outside the U.S.)
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