March 25th, 2011
R.Ring Poster
Our friend Kelley and her friend Mike Montgomery have this side project called R.Ring and they’ve decided to get together regularly up in Dayton every Tuesday in April at the South Park Tavern. To spice things up, they’re inviting friends to round out the evening with other musicians and discussions about the neighborhood, gardening, and I’m going to stop by and talk about taking photos every day and what that’s meant to me.
Tom joined in by designing this most excellent poster, and I know I work with him and all, but I think it’s pretty awesome.
We printed ’em up this week and learned a bit more about ink hitting paper.
To find out more about all the event, check RRING.US for dates and the line-ups or follow The Buddha Den for more information.
March 27th, 2011 6:42 pm
Outstanding! Great idea, great poster, juicy photos, terrific video, and groovy sounds! Makes me want to visit Ohio. Keep on creating amazing stuff guys.
Terrence Chouinard
April 10th, 2011 2:32 pm
Nice drier! You guys are 100% pure awesome, not from concentrate.
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